At IN SYNC we aim at helping people to reconnect with their true inner source, to take back their power and to inspire them to find their own truth. Numbers are fields of consciousness represented by a specific vibration, they represent symbols which act as mediators between energy and matter.

Through a deep study of date of birth and full name of a person, it is possible to understand not only the qualities and the challenges of each individual, but to also read the vibration of a specific moment in time, providing guidance and an understanding of what is going on and why.

By being more aware of the dynamics we are living, we can see each event under a different light and, instead of living as an effect of what happens in the outer world, we have the chance of becoming responsible for our own happiness and start co-creating with the highly intelligent force called Life.

Numerology is not a fortune telling tool, we do not read the future, we guide people to uncover and manifest their future in the best way possible.

We like to think about numerology as an art. Even though the numbers might be the same, they represent something specific for each one of us and being able to read the vibration, unfolding the beauty, the peculiarities and the characteristics of each individual.

Chiara Vania

Chiara Vania has started to approach the world of energy since her early age. She’s always been fascinated with observing and studying human nature in all its facets, mysteries and characteristics. This led her to become an actress and, at the same time, cultivate a steady inner work that led her to become Kundalini Yoga teacher, healer and ultimately numerologist. 

Seeing the human being as a piece of art and understanding that both its flaws and beauties are essential in order to create its marvelous uniqueness. 

Chiara grew up in a family of doctors who have an extensive experience in natural medicine, acupuncture and quantum medicine, who have been using numerology on a daily basis for more than 35 years. Chiara’s journey into numerology initially started on a personal level, her interest in understanding the why’s and the how’s vibration works led her to deepen her studies and ultimately she felt the urge of sharing this knowledge with people.

A deep interest and fascination in studying and observing  human nature in all its facets and characteristics, has led Chiara to become an expert in Taoistic numerology, Hebrew letters and the Kabbalah angels, as well as Pythagorean Esoteric Numerology teacher.